Jun 24Liked by Brad Thomas Parsons

Nice post. My sense is that many bartenders today feel that the 1-1-1 ratio for the boulvardier/negroni is out of balance for today’s tastes. Do you sense this?

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I agree. And mention that briefly. Either 2:1:1 or 1.5:1:1.

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Jun 24Liked by Brad Thomas Parsons

Seeing this a lot as well. When the Chicago gin bar Scofflaw first opened a decade ago, I think even back then they were going with 1.5 gin : 1 vermouth : 0.75 Campari. (That said, I will quite happily drink a Campari on the rocks, so I'm always content with a Campari-forward equal-parts Negroni or Boulevardier.)

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Jun 25Liked by Brad Thomas Parsons

Very nice! Non traditional brands, could make this version a bit challenging to make at home. I’ll just book a flight…

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Author

That's obviously a great solution! And the first round is on me. But if you absolutely want to try it at home, the bitter and vermouth can be ordered online (depending where they ship). For the rye, you could definitely try it with another bonded rye.

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Jun 24Liked by Brad Thomas Parsons

i default to Rye but reading this article I can see how a blend would be interesting. Ive tried to replace campari with Gran Classico and it was a dud, so I upped the Rye to 1.5 and then .75/.75 and it was better but not remarkable. I like swapping in Bruto Americano for Campari.

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Jun 24Liked by Brad Thomas Parsons

Fabulous!! So delicious!! Thanks Brad!!

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